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发布时间:2024-01-11 02:43人气:
本文摘要:Uber is facing its biggest legal challenge after its most popular service was banned throughout Germany, marking the first time the disruptive taxi app has been hit with a countrywide restriction.Uber受到了仅次于的法律挑战,此前其最热门的服务在全德国遭了禁令,这是这款颠覆性的微信应用于第一次遭遇全国性容许。

Uber is facing its biggest legal challenge after its most popular service was banned throughout Germany, marking the first time the disruptive taxi app has been hit with a countrywide restriction.Uber受到了仅次于的法律挑战,此前其最热门的服务在全德国遭了禁令,这是这款颠覆性的微信应用于第一次遭遇全国性容许。The temporary injunction imposed by Frankfurt’s Regional Court prohibits the fast-growing company, valued in a recent funding round at $17bn, from operating its Uber Pop “ride-sharing” service, known as Uber X in other markets.法兰克福地区法院产生的这项临时性禁制令,不容许Uber营运其Uber Pop“拼车”服务——在其他市场上被称作Uber X。




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